Jalinan Persahabtan

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

through my perspective:)

through my perspective:) 
Oh Social Network!
Facebook,Twitter,Blog,Flickr,Bebo,Hi-5. are some social network that I have. I am so enthusiastic in social networking. I think this is the only way I get. to know others in the outside world. Yet,I h...
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Like my page:)

Like my page:)
Hafizan Sabarudin Blogspot
A place for me to express my thoughts on what is happening around me:)
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Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA

Monday, September 3, 2012




I amcontacting you as a matter of urgency about a huge transfer of ($8,500,000.00)Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar. But I want to firsttransfer $1,500.000.00 (One million Five hundred thousand USD) from this moneyinto a safe account and after which we will transfer the remaining (7M) I haveonly written to seek for your indulgence and assistance. You& will beproviding a designated bank account of your choice. It is an unequivocal factthat we've not met nor communicated before but due to the true revelation thatI should share this with you.

My name is Mr Ibrahim Musa Director of integrated finance of a bank here inWest Africa

Thus for your indulgence and assistance (morally and financially), i propose a45% share of the total amount to you after the transfer has been successfullyeffected, I need your urgent response on assurance of trust that you will notdeny me my share once the fund is credited to your personal bank account as Iam a poor civil servant who depends solely on monthly salary, so kindly stateyour interest by replying immediately and i shall furnish you with details andprocedures preceding the transfer.

Mr Ibrahim Musa

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hafiz Musicz added you to a circle and invited you to join Google+

Hafiz Musicz added you to a circle and invited you to join Google+.
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Conversations are better face-to-face. Join a video hangout from your computer or mobile phone to catch up, watch YouTube videos together, or swap stories with up to 9 of your friends at once.
Lightning-fast group chat. Photos that upload themselves. A bird's-eye view of what's happening nearby. We built Google+ with mobile in mind.
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hafiz Musicz
4/8/2012 4:08:05 PM

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Permulaan 2012


Sebagai pembuka bicara untuk post pertama bagi tahun ini,kami ahli batch 25 mengucapkan SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2012 kepada semua pembaca kami.Semoga pada tahun ini,kejayaan akan membuah dalam setiap apa yang kita lakukan.Insyaallah.

Selamat tinggal 2011 yang sememangnya banyak peristiwa yang berlaku dalam batch ini.Semoga tahun ini dengan peperiksaan besar buat batch ini iaitu SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA(SPM) 2012 yang akan menentukan masa depan kami semua akan menghasilkan kejayaan yang diimpikan selama ini

Of course lah kita nak result yang gempakkan,jadi kena lah usaha yang berlipat ganda.Jadikan tahun ini sebagai tahun yang tak akan dilupakan sampai bila-bila.Insyaallah,dengan keberkatan daripada ALLAH s.w.t ,ibubapa,guru serta rakana-rakan...pasti kejayaan akan datang bergolek kepada kita.
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