As salam,
Eventhough the exam had just ended,but the shivers to hold the result do scare the students.mana tak nya,punya pulon diorang studi untuk exam ini tiba-tiba tak dapat keputusan yang setimpal dengan usaha diaorang.Hopefully,you guys will get a FLYING COLOUR result in this exam.Apa-apa pun,budak-budak baru nampak macam tak sabar nak balik rumah diaorang.Ye la diaorang kan budak baru.
Dalam masa cuti sekolah ini,the college administrator would be proud if you guys study as a preparation for the next coming 2nd SEMESTER.A new SEM with a new VOW,that is what we are hoping for the new students that is coming from other MJSC.We hope you guys,will have a good stay as your NEW college.