Quick follow up to check if you had a chance to review my previous email when you get a moment, could you please drop me a line?
Awaiting your response.
From: Patrice Wade <Patrice.W@infosolutiontrade.com>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2022 2:03 PM
To: 'batch25tdk.silver@blogger.com' <batch25tdk.silver@blogger.com>
Subject: Otolaryngologists Email List.
I’m writing to check if you would be interested in obtaining our recently updated contacts of Otolaryngologists.
You may also be interested in the below list:
- Audiologists
- Endocrine Surgeon
- Facial Plastic Surgeons
- Rhinologists
- Somnologists and many more...
If yes, please let me know your target audience So that I will get back to you with counts and pricing for same.
Patrice Wade
Sr. Marketing Manager
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